Giving visibility to PETRONAS scholarship program


Timing and venue: 15 February 2011 – Hanoi

On February 15,  an award ceremony was organized in Hanoi at the Flower Garden hotel for the winners of the PETRONAS annual scholarship program, in presence of the Malaysian Ambassador to Vietnam H.E. Dato Lim Kim Eng, Mr. Othman Bin Awang Jaya, Chief of PETRONAS representative office in Vietnam and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Training.

The Malaysian Ambassador to Vietnam H.E. Dato Lim Kim Eng congratulates the students.

Mr. Othman Bin Awang Jaya, Chief of PETRONAS representative office in Vietnam.










The five excellent students were offered a USD 50 000 grant to study 4 years at the PETRONAS University of Technology in Malaysia.

On this occasion, Mildot agency was requested to provide PR services, as well as a photographer and an MC. Having provided the press with the relevant press release and photos of the event, the award ceremony for the scholarship program received media coverage online on Vietnam Net and Dan tri info websites, in the education section as well as on the home page the day the articles were published. In the printed press, the Lao Dong newspaper published a half page paper in the week end edition, in the economic section.

Article on the Dan Tri website- 16 February 2011

Article on the Vietnamnet website - 16 February 2011

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