Celebrating Vietnam’s national Day of the Press

Client: Mildot Agency. Timing and venue: Tue. 21 June 2011 nationwide.

To celebrate Vietnam’s National Day of the Press, we decided to send our journalist contacts and friends a nice funny Ecard by Email.

The concept was to make a mock-up of a newspaper front page, replacing all the real content in order to create an appropriate humoristic greeting card.

So we changed the name of the newspaper by “Mildot Daily”, the feature image by a funny cartoon about “the modern journalist”, and the article contents by jokes about journalists and editors. Only the main title was a real info “Vietnam celebrates the National Press Day”… Finally, we used the advertising space to display our logo and greetings to the press.

We sent it by Email to all our media contacts, which help us everyday in our work by reporting on our events, publishing our press releases and writing about the products we promote, to thank them for their collaboration and show them we have a special thought for them on that day.

People seemed to get the joke as we got a lot of thanks and positive feedback.

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