Setting up a CSR campaign to use less plastic bags

Client : Mildot Agency

Timing and venue: April to December 2011- Hanoi

Mildot agency is setting up a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) campaign in collaboration with both the public and private sectors. The global objective of this campaign named “Switch from plastic to paper bags” is to produce, sell and disseminate 1 million paper bags made from recycled newspapers in order to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags.

The CSR campaign would be implemented in Hanoi during 18 weeks, from September to December 2011, and we are now in the process of looking for partners.

The logo created for the "Swicth from plastic to paper bags" CSR campaign, design by Mildot agency

We believe such CSR campaign is relevant and will be successful because it fulfills the needs from both companies willing to communicate about corporate citizenship through the environmental angle and a target public willing to get involved and do something to protect their environment.

Indeed, Vietnamese people are more and more aware of their environment as well as concerned about pollution issues, showing more and more eco-friendly consuming tendencies.

This trend has been well understood by the corporate world and in response to customers becoming more discerning, companies have become more and more eager to show that they are also environmentally aware, introducing greener products, stressing their efforts to reduce pollution, and by getting involved in CSR campaigns.

The “Switch from plastic to paper bags” campaign is a comprehensive program designed to educate and alert the pupils in 50 primary and secondary schools in Hanoi about the harmful effects of plastic bags and show them solutions to this issue, such as recycling old newspapers to make paper shopping bags. These paper bags will then be sold to sponsors and disseminated through supermarkets, shopping centers and private shops and businesses, helping to reduce the quantity of plastic bags used for shopping in Hanoi and demonstrate that there are alternative simple solutions to protect our environment.

This CSR campaign will be organized and implemented with the support of official institutions such as the Central Friendship Association and the General Department for Environment for instance.

The primary target audience of the campaign will be the pupils in primary and secondary schools in Hanoi and the secondary target audience the parents, teachers, educators, environment activists, retainers, shop owners, housewives, mass media, etc.

There are two ways to participate to the “Switch from plastic to paper bags” CSR campaign:

As a partner, involved with the organization and implementation of the campaign from start to end (there can only be 5 supporting partners) or as a supporter, purchasing paper bags and benefiting from privileges according to the quantity of bags purchased.

For more information and to participate to the program, please download the CSR campaign program and the Partners & Supporters packages brochure in PDF documents here below:

"Switch from plastic to paper bags" CSR campaign program

CSR Campaign program ENGLISH version

CSR Campaign program VN Version

Mildot CSR campaign 2011 - sponsors packages - ENG

Partners & Supporters packages

CSR Partners and supporters package ENGLISH version

CSR Partners and Supporters packages VN version

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